1. Dissertation
The Tattoo Taboo project was built upon an extensive research journey, beginning with a dissertation that delved deeply into the intricate history of tattoos in Iran.
From the fascinating discovery of tattoos on the body of the Pazyryk chief in Siberia to its depiction in literature and its transformation into a tool of punishment, the dissertation traced the evolution of tattooing in Iran under the influence of different cultural and political forces, including the current Islamic regime.
From the fascinating discovery of tattoos on the body of the Pazyryk chief in Siberia to its depiction in literature and its transformation into a tool of punishment, the dissertation traced the evolution of tattooing in Iran under the influence of different cultural and political forces, including the current Islamic regime.
2. Cultural Probes
Following the dissertation, I conducted two cultural probes aimed at unraveling the perceptions of the target audience on the Iranian tattoo industry.
Through hands-on activities like designing their own Iranian tattoo studio using collage and crafting Iranian tattoo flash sheets, participants were encouraged to express their assumptions and perceptions. By showcasing the similarities between Iranian and Western tattoo designs, the probes were an attempt to bridge the gap between cultures and foster empathy and connection with Iranian artists.
Following the dissertation, I conducted two cultural probes aimed at unraveling the perceptions of the target audience on the Iranian tattoo industry.
Through hands-on activities like designing their own Iranian tattoo studio using collage and crafting Iranian tattoo flash sheets, participants were encouraged to express their assumptions and perceptions. By showcasing the similarities between Iranian and Western tattoo designs, the probes were an attempt to bridge the gap between cultures and foster empathy and connection with Iranian artists.
3. Real-world testing
I then crafted the artefacts and took them out into the world for testing. This real-world engagement provided invaluable feedback on the project's ability to captivate and engage audiences.